About me

I am an atmospheric scientist and have mostly worked with in situ, active, and passive remote sensing measurements to study clouds from airborne and ground-based platforms. In addition to processing, analyzing, and visualizing the data, I have developed and applied methods to retrieve further products, such as microphysical cloud properties. The results have been published in scientific journals with me as first or co-author.
In addition, I have gained experience as a project manager and Mission PI during several airborne-based research campaigns. This has helped me improve my leadership and supervision skills and given me a different view of the projects.
In my spare time, I like to develop software and small hardware projects. For example, I have developed a face tracking algorithm using a small drone, which gives the drone autonomous behavior. You can find the result here. Recently, I also used Javascript to develop a little game, which is kind of connected to my research. Try it out here :-)
